Saturday, March 12, 2011

And today I was asked out on Facebook by someone I don't know.

Him: Hi, this is (insert name here). Can I ask you something?
Me: Go right ahead.
Him: Can I take you to dinner?
Me: Do I know you?
Him: No.
Me: I don't feel comfortable going out with someone I've never met.
Him: Ok.

The End. And that's not even much of an exaggeration, it really was that abrupt.

Despite being a little weirded out, I'm actually kind of offended he gave up that easily. But at least he's not 21.

The other day I went with my roommate to get the water jugs refilled. After filling them we put them in the back of her truck for the short drive home, but one of the caps came loose after ten seconds and started splurting water everywhere while we were stopped at the light. I jumped out, climbed in the back to fix it, and we went home that way, cool night air blowing through my hair. I love that that's legal here. It wasn't in California, so after awhile we weren't allowed to even hop in the back of Mr. Garwood's truck and ride down the street with him. One of many simple childhood joys outlawed.

So the other night, in defiance of justifiably-curtailed childhood joys, I turned to face the air and spread my arms wide. And I pretended I was a Quidditch player speeding around on a broomstick.

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